SPIELART 2011 18.11. – 4.12.
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Miriam Althammer | 05.12.2011

Festival is over

Tilmann Broszat, Leiter des Festivals:„Spielart ist so jung wie nie, das konn... more


Miriam Althammer | 04.12.2011

Laboratorische Gemeinschaften

Fast drei Wochen lang war DO TANK das Labor des Festivals. Internationale Kü... more


Miriam Althammer | 02.12.2011

You take what you want from Theatre

If you need to deconstruct something to the point of kitty litter then please... more


Toshiki Okada | chelfitsch
The Sonic Life of a Giant Tortoise
18.11. | 21:00 - 22:30
Muffatwerk, Muffathalle
19.11. | 21:00 - 22:30
Muffatwerk, Muffathalle
Entrance € 15,00
Reduced € 9,00
tickets online

"What I'm relating now, what's going through my head, I have never told anyone before. It's a secret, no one knows it. I will say what the secret is. I would like to have a better life. At any rate better than now, a more fulfilled life." That's how Toshiki Okada's new piece starts, THE SONIC LIFE OF A GIANT TORTOISE, in which his main subject is the everyday life of contemporary couples in Tokyo. In their mid-thirties, well off, in representative work relationships and in loving relationships. Everything seems to be perfect on the surface. But beneath the surface surreal abysses open up. Is Japanese society with its rigid restrictions and social rules the theme, or is it the search for meaning in a globalized world?


In Japanese language with German subtitles.


Artist talk:

November 19th,

Moderation: Marc Gegenfurtner (Departement of Arts and Culture, city of Munich)

Cool Japan

November 21st, 7.p.m.,

BMW Lehnbachplatz

see also TALKS

Read more
text and direction: Toshiki Okada with: Tomomitsu Adachi, Shoko Matsumura, Yukiko Sasaki, Riki Takeda, Taichi Yamagata stage: Torafu Architects Inc. light: Tomomi Ohira sound design: Norimasa Ushikawa producer: Akane Nakamura production management: Tamiko Ouki

Toshiki Okada is a Japanese writer and director. In 1997 he founded the company chelfitsch, a childish adaptation of the word ”selfish”. Okada‘s creations are characterized by a highly visual method. In his works, he combines vernacular Japanese with a choreography that is dominated by the expressive physicality of the performers. The manner, in which Okada brings bodies into movement, often through an exaggerated expressive sign language, is clearly reminiscent of dance.

In September 2005, Toshiki Okada won the Yokohama Cultural Award/Yokohama Award of Art and Cultural Encouragement. The following year he represented his country at the Stücke ‘06 festival and was appointed director of the 2006-07 Summit, a theatre festival in the Komaba Agora Theatre in Japan. Since then, Toshiki Okada and his company have performed at numerous international festivals and in venues around the world.

+Production and realization
production: chelfitsch, in cooperation with precog (Tokio), in coproduction Kanawaga Arts Theatre, Acm Theatre (Art Tower Mito), Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media (YCAM).
realisation:kindly supported by Japan Foundation
